Resource Management

Maximizing Team Performance in Project Resource Management

The Manage Team process in project resource management is akin to a conductor leading an orchestra. It involves tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing team changes to optimize project performance. This process, much like a symphony performance, is performed throughout the duration of the project and requires a range of management and leadership skills, including communication, conflict management, negotiation, and leadership.

The key benefit of the Manage Team process is its ability to influence team behavior, manage conflict, and resolve issues. By effectively managing the team, project managers can ensure that team members are working effectively towards the project's objectives.

The inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs of the Manage Team process are crucial to its successful execution. These include performance reports, conflict management techniques, and change requests, among others.

Assigning challenging tasks to team members and providing recognition for high performance are important aspects of the Manage Team process. These strategies can motivate team members and promote high performance.

The project manager should be aware of the team members' willingness and ability to perform their work. Based on this understanding, the project manager should adjust their management and leadership styles accordingly. For instance, team members with low-skill abilities will need more intensive oversight from the project manager, while those with demonstrated ability and experience require less intensive oversight.

In conclusion, the Manage Team process is a critical aspect of project resource management. Just as a conductor ensures the harmonious performance of an orchestra, by effectively managing the team, project managers can optimize project performance and ensure the successful completion of the project.