Communications Management

Optimizing Information Flow in Project Communications Management

Manage Communications is a crucial process in project communications management. It involves the timely and appropriate collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, monitoring, and disposition of project information. The key benefit of this process is enabling efficient and effective information flow between the project team and stakeholders.

This process is performed throughout the duration of the project and identifies all elements of effective communication, such as the selection of suitable technologies, methods, and techniques. It should provide flexibility in communication activities, allowing for adjustments to meet the evolving needs of stakeholders and the project.

The Manage Communications process includes inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs. These elements ensure that information is appropriately generated, formatted, and received by the intended audience. The communication process also provides opportunities for stakeholders to request additional information, clarification, and discussion.

Effective communications management may incorporate sender-receiver models, which include feedback loops for interaction and removing communication barriers. Decisions about the choice of media involve the application of communication artifacts to meet specific project needs. This can include decisions on when to communicate in writing versus orally, when to prepare an informal memo versus a formal report, and when to use push/pull options and appropriate technology.

Writing style in communications management involves the appropriate use of active versus passive voice, sentence structure, and word choice. Meeting management includes preparing an agenda, inviting essential participants, and ensuring their attendance. Dealing with conflicts in meeting management can involve addressing issues resulting from inadequate follow-up of minutes and actions, or attendance of the wrong people.

Presentations in communications management require awareness of the impact of body language and the design of visual aids. Facilitation involves building consensus, overcoming obstacles such as difficult group dynamics, and maintaining interest and enthusiasm among group members. Active listening involves acknowledging, clarifying and confirming understanding, and removing barriers that adversely affect comprehension.